Western Hills Family,

I have a special favor to ask from you this week.  Actually, it is TWO favors.  (I know, I’m pushing it.)

Favor 1: Take this survey for us concerning the reopening of the building.

This will be crucial information for us as we continue to work out the details of when and how to reopen the building.  The survey is open to take now and will be for the next TWO WEEKS.      

Favor 2:  Watch or Listen to this vulnerable and insightful conversation I had with two of my closest friends on the topic of COVID-19 and reopening.  You can listen to it on our podcast if that is more convenient for you.

My two friends?  Tim Hughes, Lead Pastor at Gracepoint Church and Pastor T.D. Hicks of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church.  Couple of warnings about this roundtable.

We laugh.  A lot.  

Time kinda got away from us.  It is an hour long, but I promise you – it is worth the listen.   

And we had some kind of power surge or something during the last 5 minutes, so the sound got a little messed up.  

But I promise you it will be completely worth it.  These two men are not only dear friends of mine, but they have been incredible sources of wisdom and insight.  We have talked quite a bit during this crisis and have leaned on each other for encouragement and wisdom.  The more we talked, the more we wanted our churches to see this, because it will help explain the “why” behind the decisions we are making. 

So PLEASE watch the roundtable!

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As difficult as this season has proven to be, I am still confident that the Church – both universal and Western Hills specifically – will emerge out of this stronger than ever.

Why do I believe this?

Because the Church never closed through this pandemic.  She rose up and met the needs of our community in unprecedented ways.  She provided meals, clothes, shelter, and hope.

Because the Church embraced each other across denominational lines and is standing shoulder to shoulder as the hands and feet of Jesus to our communities.

Because this season has sharpened our focus to live out the reality of Jesus to every person, in every place, all the time.

Because the hearts of our pastors – both at WHC and throughout our community – are FOR Jesus and FOR people.  It is larger than just the buildings we meet in.

Because more worship has happened in homes during this pandemic than ever before.

Because we are navigating this together.  Imperfectly, for sure, but completely reliant on God’s grace which is exactly where He wants us to be.

Love you, Western Hills.

And thanks for doing me these two favors.