Resting in the Psalms

As many of you know, the COVID-19 numbers in our county are rising again. The Shawnee County Health Department issued an emergency order that goes into effect today, Friday, November 13th that reduces the mass gathering limit to 10 people and large events not to exceed 100 people.
What do these numbers mean? The language is confusing in the order, but here is how it breaks down.  Groups of 10 or more people must wear masks and be social distanced.  Large gatherings must not exceed 100 people (with social distancing guidelines) in the same space.
What does all of this mean for Western Hills?
It means we are still going to have services on Thursday night at 6:30pm and on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM for the foreseeable future.
Both of these services take place in rooms (sanctuary and gym) that are set up for less than 100 people, and our spacing exceeds the minimum requirements of social distancing. If necessary, we could use either room as an overflow area to stream our services if necessary. All of our children’s ministry areas have less than 10 people, and we require masks.
We will continue to stream our services online for those who prefer to stay at home.
We are still helping families through COVID-19. You can financially help us continue to meet the needs of famili
es in our community by giving directly to the COVID-19 (Missions) fund here.
I know staying encouraged during this time is tough. It seems this year has just been one wave of discouragement after another. And then right when we get our feet underneath us, another wave comes in and knocks us down.
I want to encourage you to invest 10 minutes today in Psalm 103.  Here are the first two verses:
Praise the Lord, my soul. All my inmost being, praise His holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul. And forget not all his benefits –
The rest of the Psalm is listing those benefits. Now sit down with the rest of the Psalm and let those benefits wash over your soul. Repeat them out loud. Gather your family around and have every single person read one. Thank God for each of them. Write them on notecards and put them on the refrigerator.
Allow the Lord to get the last word over your soul, not our circumstances.

A Question & An Invitation

Western Hills Family,

I have a special favor to ask from you this week.  Actually, it is TWO favors.  (I know, I’m pushing it.)

Favor 1: Take this survey for us concerning the reopening of the building.

This will be crucial information for us as we continue to work out the details of when and how to reopen the building.  The survey is open to take now and will be for the next TWO WEEKS.      

Favor 2:  Watch or Listen to this vulnerable and insightful conversation I had with two of my closest friends on the topic of COVID-19 and reopening.  You can listen to it on our podcast if that is more convenient for you.

My two friends?  Tim Hughes, Lead Pastor at Gracepoint Church and Pastor T.D. Hicks of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church.  Couple of warnings about this roundtable.

We laugh.  A lot.  

Time kinda got away from us.  It is an hour long, but I promise you – it is worth the listen.   

And we had some kind of power surge or something during the last 5 minutes, so the sound got a little messed up.  

But I promise you it will be completely worth it.  These two men are not only dear friends of mine, but they have been incredible sources of wisdom and insight.  We have talked quite a bit during this crisis and have leaned on each other for encouragement and wisdom.  The more we talked, the more we wanted our churches to see this, because it will help explain the “why” behind the decisions we are making. 

So PLEASE watch the roundtable!

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As difficult as this season has proven to be, I am still confident that the Church – both universal and Western Hills specifically – will emerge out of this stronger than ever.

Why do I believe this?

Because the Church never closed through this pandemic.  She rose up and met the needs of our community in unprecedented ways.  She provided meals, clothes, shelter, and hope.

Because the Church embraced each other across denominational lines and is standing shoulder to shoulder as the hands and feet of Jesus to our communities.

Because this season has sharpened our focus to live out the reality of Jesus to every person, in every place, all the time.

Because the hearts of our pastors – both at WHC and throughout our community – are FOR Jesus and FOR people.  It is larger than just the buildings we meet in.

Because more worship has happened in homes during this pandemic than ever before.

Because we are navigating this together.  Imperfectly, for sure, but completely reliant on God’s grace which is exactly where He wants us to be.

Love you, Western Hills.

And thanks for doing me these two favors.

A Way Forward

Last Sunday morning, I dealt with two very different sets of emotions as our family gathered in our living room for worship. I desperately missed you. I missed our band. I missed our worship team. I missed catching up with everybody. The chaos of kids running in the hallways.

BUT I loved being in my living room. With my family. Worshipping. Singing. Laughing. Talking during my own sermon. Our times of worship have never been deeper and more meaningful than these last few weeks. Our living room has become our sanctuary.

So I’m living in the tension of missing the old days AND loving these new ones. Can you relate to this? Do you find yourself in this same tension? 

After the events of this week, it appears that we may have to live in this tension just a bit longer. 

As many of you know, the governor released a statewide plan to reopen our communities.  There was a lot of information to digest, so let’s walk through the highlights and then talk about how it impacts Western Hills Church.

Phase 1 starts May 4th and lasts a minimum of 14 days.  

  • Group gatherings can be no more than 10 people.
  • 6 foot social distancing is required.
  • Masks are strongly encouraged.

Phase 2 would begin no earlier than May 18th for a minimum of 14 days.

  • Group gatherings can be no more than 30.  
  • 6 foot social distancing is required.

Phase 3 would begin no earlier than June 1 for a minimum of 14 days.

  • Group gatherings can be no more than 90.
  • 6 foot social distancing is required.

After June 15th – Local governments will have home rule and be able to enforce their own guidance.

There is a major disclaimer to these phases remaining on “schedule.”  COVID-19 cases must not increase during each of these phases. If another outbreak occurs or the numbers remain even, the state of Kansas has the authority to either hold at a certain phase or even backtrack to a previous one.

So what does all of this mean for us at Western Hills Church?

The Church Council and staff have spent a lot of time praying and thinking about the best options for us as we move forward. We have talked with many healthcare professionals as well as other churches in town. Taking all of that into consideration, we have made the following decisions:


  • The church building will remain closed to public gatherings of any kind through the month of May.


During that time:

  • We will continue with our online worship services and other digital resources.
  • When guidelines allow (Phase 2), we will encourage Connect Groups to physically meet (outside of the church building), as they feel comfortable to do so.
  • We are going to use this time to expand our online and live-stream capabilities.  
  • We will be evaluating steps and possibilities for the next phase.

While we do have plans for phases beyond May, recent history has shown us how fluid and flexible those plans must be.

Here’s the bigger picture to see:  The church never closed. Yes, we had to change our strategy. And we may have to keep changing our strategy as we move forward. And that is okay. We will keep trusting God and doing the next right thing. 

This has been hard for us all. We have had to grow in our leadership and deal with things that we never could have imagined. We have got a little bit further to go. We can do this. AND, we have a lot to be thankful for.

The church has risen to the occasion. The church of Topeka has lived out the reality of Jesus to our city and county. We have bought meals, delivered groceries, sacrificially provided resources when the public sector couldn’t. We are continuing to help our communities navigate this pandemic with the grace of Jesus. We have not served our city alone. Dozens of churches, thousands of Christ-followers have been the literal hands and feet of Jesus to Topeka. This pleases the Father’s heart.  

There is more prayer and worship that is happening in homes now than ever before.  Kids are seeing their parents worship and study. Living rooms have become sanctuaries.  

Can you see now that regardless of the business hours on a door, the Church can not be stopped? I hope you can see and know beyond a shadow of doubt that there is no power on earth can close the Church. No government. No fear. No pandemic.  

Nothing can keep us from the love of God, and nothing can keep us from living out the reality of Jesus to every person, every place, all the time. I am reminded of the words of Paul in Romans 8:35-39.

Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.  

No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Let’s keep living out the reality of Jesus to every person, in every place, all the time.

Let’s go be the church.

COVID-19 Unemployment and Small Business Help

As our unemployment rates rocket to historic levels, there are resources to help those who have lost their job, unable to work, or find their small business unable to generate enough review.

We have tried to put a list of these resources here. This is by no means an exhaustive list. If you have more information and would like for us to add another resource, leave us a comment here.


UI and COVID-19 FAQ: Kansas Department of Labor


Unemployment Benefits: Sign up online


Unemployment Benefits Get Started Application


Kansas Department of Labor Contact Page


If you own a small business, the latest information we have been told is to talk to your banker IMMEDIATELY. There are loans available for payroll protection and the laws and guidance from the federal government is constantly changing. However, your banker should be on top of these situations and can help you.


Western Hills Church is not responsible for the content on these websites. We list these as a source of potential help but everyone should do their own research. Listing of a website here is also NOT an endorsement for any organization. It is also possible, given how fast things have changed that the information on these sites is dated and not accurate.