Have you asked someone to join you for Easter services yet? Let me challenge you to do that. Today. Easter and Christmas are the two holidays that people are more likely to go to church than any other day during the year. So take advantage of that and ask a friend to join you.

We will be starting our brand new series: VIVID. We are going to explore the lenses through which we see life. At birth, we’re all given a set of lenses to see life. And while every lens is different – our backgrounds, family life, culture, values – every lens is also broken and damaged to some degree. And if the lenses we look at life through are distorted, that means our answers and conclusions about life are going to be distorted as well.

Jesus offers the best set of lenses. They are the only redemptive kind of lenses. This isn’t because He was smart or a great philosopher or a fantastic teacher. It’s because He is risen.

Here’s a quote you will hear from me on Sunday:

The core message of Christianity is NOT ‘God is love.’ It is ‘Christ IS risen.’ If Christ is not risen, then God is NOT love. He is the most cruel, vindictive, selfish, and unholy terror in history.

I’ll unpack this in greater detail on Sunday, but everything we know about God and Christianity hinges upon the resurrection. It’s the proof of everything Jesus taught and believed. But beyond that, Jesus made it so that others can share in it as well.

There are many lenses to choose from for how to see life. But it’s the resurrection of Jesus that confirms Christianity is the one true lens. I’m going to unpack that, as well as the impact of this lens on life’s big questions: What is truth? What does it mean to be human? What is reality? What is my purpose in life?

Grab a friend and join us for this series.