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  • March 15, 2025 - 12:00 am

Teach Us To Pray

“Any chance you think you could teach us to pray… like John the Baptist taught his disciples to pray?”

At first glance I wonder why the disciples even asked this question. I mean, how hard is it to pray? There are certain things that we ought to ask help on: plumbing, electrical work, and cutting down trees immediately come to mind. But prayer? Did they really need to ask this of Jesus? Prayer was part of the fabric of their lives already.

Then Jesus answers them and immediately we realize… yes. Yes, we do need to be taught how to pray. They weren’t expecting Jesus’ answer. And my hunch is, neither will we.

We have 3 service options: Sunday at 9:00 (kids programming available), Sunday at 10:30 (nursery available for newborn to age 2) or online Sunday at either time, streaming here on Facebook Live or here on YouTube Live.

Come and worship with us!