Every Letter from Grant


Go be the church. Live out the reality of Jesus to every person, in every place, every time.

In the last three years, we have deepened our commitment to these words, seeing God do some incredible things. We’ve served hundreds of kids with meals, gift cards, and school supplies at our two partnering elementary schools. We’ve financially blessed our two foreign missionary partners in Central Asia. We’ve served over 600 kids per year with Upward Sports, 30% of whose families have no church background. We’ve built beds for foster homes and provided meals for the homeless population. We’ve been a part of bringing racial healing to our city.

I could add so much more, but my favorite thing that we’ve seen God do in these last 3 years is give us a front row seat while 41 people came to faith in Christ. That is astonishing when you realize over 13,000 churches closed during this same time period, without ever seeing a single person come to faith.

This all came about by asking a simple question - Who’s your One?

In Luke 15:4, Jesus asks the question, if you had 100 sheep but one of them were lost, wouldn’t you leave the 99 to go find the one that is lost? So we started asking ourselves that same question.

Who is the person that God has put in your life that is far from Christ?

They are disconnected from God and His church but connected to you. This is someone you care about and you are willing to walk with through life’s ups and downs. It isn't a project. It’s a real relationship.

That’s your One, and that’s the heartbeat behind The Every Initiative.

The Every Initiative is a call for every Christ-follower at Western Hills to answer the question Who’s your One? It’s an invitation to join God on his redemptive mission, one life at a time.

The Every Initiative is an ask to make our facilities at Western Hills more effective and inviting to our Ones, a place where they feel welcome and might want to belong.

And the Every Initiative is an invitation to deepen our local impact in Topeka by going outside of our walls to radically invest in Lifeline Women’s Resource Center.

I know God is working through Western Hills to make an eternal difference in the lives of the people of Topeka. I believe that all of what we have seen is just the groundwork for where God is calling us to as we move forward.

The Every Initiative is an investment into people as we continue to be the church by living out the reality of Jesus. To Every Person. Every Place. Every time.

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Every Devotional Guide


This devotional guide has been prepared as a resource to help you with that daily/weekly time with your immediate family, Connect Group, or individually. These resources match the sermons of The Every Initiative with daily Scripture readings, study notes, discussion questions, sample prayers, and other worship suggestions that will help you go deeper in God's Word.



A Spotify playlist has been created which includes all songs from The Every Initiative Devotional Guide.



Are you ready to step into what God has next? We are seeking partners on this journey. Use the button below to find out more and make a one-time or 1-year pledge.


To set up giving to The Every Initiative, make sure to select "The Every Initiative" fund when giving online or write "Every" in the memo line of your check.