“Blotch is a boy who lives in a kingdom where everyone has blotches on their skin. Each time a person is mean or does something wrong, another spot appears. Hoping to find someone who knows how to get rid of the spots, Blotch strikes out on a journey. At the first village he meets the Hiders, who merely cover their spots. Next, the Pretenders simply deny they even have spots. A third village is full of the Blamers, who constantly fight and blame each other for their rapidly multiplying stains. Fearful and frustrated, Blotch finally meets a kind stranger who has the solution for removing the spots permanently. But an elated Blotch is shocked to find out that the humble stranger is actually the King, and the solution requires that the King take the spots on Himself, a sacrifice that will change Blotch and his family forever.”
If you’re like me, you created images in your mind as you read this overview of the book Blotch, and you’re completely hooked and need to know how the story ends!
A friend, who was a retired college professor when I met her, turned childrens books into life changing stories for adults whenever she led training in womens ministry. That’s what the book Blotch can do…change lives! That’s why we are engaging in a church wide Blotch study! Imagine with me car rides home from church where everyone gets to participate in the same conversation. Lunchtime talks with your friend group after Sunday services. Children gathered around at your grandchild’s birthday party as you read Blotch, the gift that you purchased for them. Lives, young and old, changed!
The study centers around a children’s book, but the messages are universal. The curriculum is designed to help “adults better understand our sinfulness, our failed attempts at fixing things and our need for Jesus.”
Buy yours now at the Blotch kiosk in the hallway at Western Hills, and sign up for a Blotch Connect Group with 100 of your friends who have already done so. Become a part of the Blotch movement in and through Western Hills Church. Books are $8 each. Buy one for yourself and one for a friend!
See you in church!